FDCF Spring Seminar Proudly presents: Eeva Liljanto, Director, Global Connectivity, Cinia

Eeva Liljanto is a Sales executive with a proven track record of successfully developing enterprise and wholesale business with multinational customers within the Telecoms and ICT industry.

Before joining Cinia in 2014, Eeva worked in different sales lead roles in Telia Finland and Verizon Business working with both enterprise and wholesale customers. Currently she is heading the international business in Cinia.

In Cinia Eeva’s focus areas has been in developing Cinia international business by providing customers network connectivity solutions over Cinia extensive international network between continental Europe and Finland with a cutting-edge technology and increased ability for cyber secure communications.

Currently, one of her key roles is creating new business opportunities for the Far North Fiber cable that is planned to connect Europe to Asia with an RFS estimate in 2026. “Digital Ecosystems drives the societies and economies. Increased connectivity enables new innovations and new opportunities for global companies”, says Eeva Liljanto.

FDCF Spring Seminar is on 7th April 2022 at 2.30 p.m. and Official Spring Meeting at 4.15 p.m.

FDCF Spring Seminar – April 7th, 2022

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